Well I'm back from being sick (I'm better now) sorry for the delay but that's the reason why I haven't been active as of late. Anyway the new animation I'm working on its about another guy who was proven to be a not so nice guy. I should be on track to upload it tomorrow however I can't guarantee it but I'm 99% sure it will come out. I hope you're all excited, as always any feedback is welcomed with open arms thanks for the patience and kind words on my uploads it honestly means the world to me that I can create and entertain people for even a fraction of a second I like many others would love to do this as a career but it doesn't happen overnight nor do I want it too and even if that doesn't become reality I'll always take time out of my day to at least try and make someone else's better. Thanks for reading and I cant wait to show people what I've been working on.